COBRAS Data Viewer


Overview. 1

Directory Data. 2

Messages. 2

Changing Alias and/or Extensions in Backup Prior to Restore. 3

Requirements/Special Notes. 3

Obtaining Updates. 3

Revision History. 4


The COBRAS Data Viewer is a simple database viewer for use with directory exports generated by all versions of COBRAS Export.  It’s primarily used for diagnostic purposes by TAC and the BU engineers when troubleshooting problems with COBRAS import or export.  You can open either the directory backup MDB file or a messages backup file.  The directory output shows top level objects on the left and, in most cases, details about selected objects in the panel on the right.  For instance a selected user from a backup looks like this:

Directory Data

The interface will let you select the following objects from the backup database:


If you select to open a messages backup MDB file you can see all the top level messaging data and have the option to unpack the WAV file of a voice mail message from the backup and play it out:

You can use the “Play” button at the bottom or double click on any message.  The WAV file is restored into the folder where you installed the Data Viewer if you want to copy it somewhere instead of playing it out.

Backups done on any version of Unity will store the messages as single WAV files which will play using the system’s default WAV player (sound recorder in the screen shot above).  If the default player can’t open or isn’t registered, the folder that stores the WAV file will be opened for you.

Backups done on any version of Connection store the messages as ZIP files of EML messages (email storage format).  The folder that stores the ZIP file is opened and the ZIP is opened with the default Windows application for that (usually file explorer or WinZip).  Any email reader such as Outlook Express can open an EML file and make the attachments available (including other messages for forwards or WAV files for voice messages).

Changing Alias and/or Extensions in Backup Prior to Restore

One of the things many sites want to do when migrating directory data to a new installation or merging it into an existing site is to update the extension numbering plan and/or changing their alias naming convention.  Some times when moving from a Voice Mail only configuration to a Unified Messaging setup or vice versa it’s also necessary to change the user aliases so they match or don’t match existing accounts in the corporate Active Directory.

The COBRAS Data Viewer includes a function to help with this.  The model is to update the alias and/or primary extension numbers and/or alternate extension numbers for subscribers in the MDB backup file and any message backup files found in the same folder before running the import.  As such it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you make a copy of the backup MDB file and do your edits on that so you always have an unedited version of your original backup. 

The basic steps to complete this process look like this:

  1. Copy the backup done by a COBRAS export tool and any message backup files created by the backup.
  2. Open that copy of the backup MDB file with the COBRAS data viewer.
  3. Export the user data to a CSV using the “Export users in backup to CSV” option under the Edit menu.
  4. Edit the resulting CSV file with new alias and/or extension strings you wish to apply.
  5. Apply the changes to the MDB file using the “Remap subscriber alias or extension” option under the Edit menu.  NOTE, this will also run through and change those aliases in all message backup files found in the same folder as the directory backup file you’re updating.


Then when you run the COBRAS Import tool using that MDB file, the extensions and aliases will be what you wish them to be.

NOTE: Again, can’t stress this enough – this operation changes the data directly in the backup files and cannot be undone.  Please be sure to perform this operation on a COPY of your backup file!

The option to export the exiting user data to CSV constructs a simple CSV file with 6 columns in it:


Note that for alias and extension remapping the two SMTP ADDRESS fields are ignored.  The “OLD” refers to the existing values currently in the database.  These two values are used to find subscribers in the backup.  The “NEW” values are, not surprisingly, the values that will replace those associated with the subscriber found using the “OLD” values.  In the case of Alias/Extension remapping the NEW_SMTP_ADDRESS field is ignored.  There’s a specific order to the search logic that you need to understand. 

  1. If an old alias value is provided in the CSV, this is used to search for a user.  If a user is found then it will use the new alias and/or the new extension value for that subscriber’s alias and primary extension.
  2. If an old alias is not provided or does not match a user in the backup, then the old extension value is used to search for a subscriber’s primary extension.  If a user is found then it will use the new alias and/or the new extension value for that subscriber’s alias and primary extension.
  3. If an old alias is not provided or does not match a user in the backup and the old extension value does not match an existing user’s primary extension, then the old extension is searched for among all the alternate extensions in the backup.  If a match is found for a user’s extension then that alternate extension is replaced with the new extension value.  Nothing is done in this case with the new alias string if its provided.

When you load a CSV file, all the valid rows are shown in a simple grid that contains a human readable action COBRAS intends to take with each row in the Info column as shown below:

It’s very important that you review this output carefully and make sure the changes you want are going to be made.  You can select individual lines to apply or select/unselect all users by clicking the checkbox in the upper left of the grid header.  At least one row much be selected before you will be allowed to apply changes to the backup database.

NOTE: In the screen shot above Shawn O’Maley shows up twice – one row for replacing the user’s alias and one for replacing one of his alternate extensions.  This is ok.  But please be aware that the CBORAS Backup utility does NOT make sure you don’t apply multiple changes to your directory.  If you add the same account into your CSV multiple times, COBRAS will make changes (so long as they’re valid and legal) to that user in the order in which they are shown in the CSV file.  Whatever is done last is what “sticks”

When you open a CSV file to parse COBRS Backup Viewer does checks on the file and then each row as it reads it in.  If there are problems with any of the rows in the file such as invalid extension strings (i.e. that contain non digits) or illegal alias strings (for instance longer than 64 characters) or the extension conflict with an existing object etc… these rows are not added to the grid and are written out to an error log file which is created in the same folder as the CSV file you selected for parsing.  When the CSV file parsing is complete you are told how many rows were read and how many rows are in the grid and then you are given the opportunity to review the error output file.  Each line in the original CSV file will be shown in the file along with a human readable failure reason explaining why it failed.

NOTE: Extension conflicts and alias conflicts are not allowed, even temporarily.  This includes conflicts with other object’s extension in the backup (for instance you can’t change a subscriber’s extension to conflict with a call handler extension).  COBRAS must maintain the integrity of the backup even if you don’t plan to restore anything but users.  There is no option to ‘turn this off’.  This also means you can’t “swap” extensions around between existing users in one pass.  You’d have to make multiple passes assigning users to temporary unique extensions and then applying another pass to put them where you want. 

When you apply the changes a log file indicating each database change made is generated – review the log output for warnings and errors as normal.  It’s also a good idea to spot check users in the main viewer interface to make sure the updates you expected were made.

Changing STMP Address in Backup Prior to Restore

One of the things sites may want to do when migrating directory data to a new installation or merging it into an existing site is to update the corporate email address in Connection that points to the email mailbox used by their subscribers.  From a Unity backup this is the Exchange or Domino SMTP Addresses and you have the option to import it as the corporate email address in Connection by COBRAS Import.  If, however, you are migrating to a new environment with a different mail server its desirable to change this up front so you can import users with this preconfigured into your new Connection setup.

The COBRAS Data Viewer includes a function to help with this.  The model is to update the SMTP Address for subscribers in the MDB backup file before running the import.  As such it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you make a copy of the backup MDB file and do your edits on that so you always have an unedited version of your original backup. 

The basic steps to complete this process look like this:

1.     Copy the backup done by a COBRAS export tool and any message backup files created by the backup.

2.     Open that copy of the backup MDB file with the COBRAS data viewer.

3.     Export the user data to a CSV using the “Export users in backup to CSV” option under the Edit menu.

4.     Edit the resulting CSV file with new SMTP Addresses you wish to apply.

5.     Apply the changes to the MDB file using the “Remap subscriber email addresses” option under the Edit menu. 

Then when you run the COBRAS Import tool using that MDB file, the SMTP Addresses used for corporate email creation will be what you wish them to be.

NOTE: Again, can’t stress this enough – this operation changes the data directly in the backup files and cannot be undone.  Please be sure to perform this operation on a COPY of your backup file!

The option to export the exiting user data to CSV constructs a simple CSV file with 6 columns in it:


Note that for SMTP Address remapping the NEW_EXTENSION and NEW_ALIAS columns are ignored.

The “OLD” refers to the existing values currently in the database.  These two values are used to find subscribers in the backup.  The “NEW” values are, not surprisingly, the values that will replace those associated with the subscriber found using the “OLD” values.  In the case of SMTP Address remapping only the NEW_SMTP_ADDRESS column is used.

1.     If an old alias value is provided in the CSV, this is used to search for a user. 

2.     If an old alias is not provided or does not match a user in the backup, then the old extension value is used to search for a subscriber’s primary extension.

3.     If an old alias is not provided or does not match a user in the backup and the old extension value does not match an existing user’s primary extension.  If a match is not found the row in the CSV file is skipped with an error note.

When you load a CSV file, all the valid rows are shown in a simple grid that contains a human readable action COBRAS intends to take with each row in the Info column as shown below:

NOTE: The “Old Extension” field will only be filled in if the user was not found by the OLD_ALIAS column value – so if you see values for the Old Extension column on the grid be sure to check carefully that the user pulled from the backup database is the correct one.

When you open a CSV file to parse COBRS Backup Viewer does checks on the file and then each row as it reads it in.  If there are problems with any of the rows in the file such as invalid extension strings (i.e. that contain non digits) or illegal alias strings (for instance longer than 64 characters) etc… these rows are not added to the grid and are written out to an error log file which is created in the same folder as the CSV file you selected for parsing.  When the CSV file parsing is complete you are told how many rows were read and how many rows are in the grid and then you are given the opportunity to review the error output file.  Each line in the original CSV file will be shown in the file along with a human readable failure reason explaining why it failed.

When you apply the changes a log file indicating each database change made is generated – review the log output for warnings and errors as normal.  It’s also a good idea to spot check users in the main viewer interface to make sure the updates you expected were made.

Requirements/Special Notes

Requires the MDB files from a COBRAS Export tool to run.  Any version of COBRAS Export will work however some features are specific to backups done with version 7.0.29 and later of the COBRAS Unity Export tool.

Obtaining Updates

To check for updates to this tool, visit

You can also check for an updated version using the “Check for updated version” option under the Help menu.

Revision History

Version 1.0.35 – 3/27/2012

·         Fixed an issue with Alias/Extension remapping causing the recordset to not be closed in some compound update scenarios resulting in an error on subsequent changes from the CSV file.

·         Updated setup to check for admin rights of account doing the install.

Version 1.0.34 – 7/11/2011

·         Added private distribution list dump option

Version 1.0.33 – 5/5/2011

·         Added ability to bulk edit SMTPAddresses in the backup MDB files.

Version 1.0.32 – 12/3/2010

·         Repacked setup to remove 3rd party Unicode controls.

Version 1.0.31 – 11/19/2010

·         Fixed a problem with alias strings used as file names that were allowing some illegal file characters be used for wav file names (ie. “/” and “\”).

·         Fixed a binary wav/message extraction issue where 3 bytes could be chopped off the end of the file.  Some ZIP programs did not like the file format, others handled it ok.

Version 1.0.30 – 6/8/2010

Version 1.0.29 – 5/11/2010

Version 1.0.28 – 4/21/2010

Version 1.0.27 – 4/19/2010

Version 1.0.26 – 4/5/2010

Version 1.0.25 – 3/29/2010

Version 1.0.24 – 2/18/2010

Version 1.0.23 – 1/26/2010

Version 1.0.22 – 12/22/2009

Version 1.0.20 – 9/26/2009

Version 1.0.19 – 9/22/2009

Version 1.0.18 – 9/18/2009

Version 1.0.17 – 8/21/2009

Version 1.0.16 – 8/18/2009

Version 1.0.15 – 6/12/2009

Version 1.0.14 – 6/4/2009

Version 1.0.13 – 3/24/2009

Version 1.0.11- 3/3/2009

Version 1.0.10 – 2/24/2009

Version 1.0.9 – 2/20/2009

Version 1.0.7 – 12/8/2008

Version 1.0.6 – 12/2/2008

Version 1.0.5 – 11/25/2008

Version 1.0.4 – 11/22/2008

Version 1.0.3 – 11/7/2008

Version 1.0.2 – 8/26/2008

Version 1.0.1 – 7/29/2008


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