Subscriber Information Dump


Overview. 1

Requirements/Special Notes. 2

Selecting Subscribers. 2

Field Definitions. 2

Output Options. 3

Silent Command Line Mode. 3

SubInfoDump /f:c:\Nightly Output\subinfo.txt 3

SubInfoDump Alias, Primary Extension, Display Name, All Alternate Extensions /f:c:\Nightly Output\SubInfo.txt 3

SubInfoDump Alias, Primary Extension. 4

NT Language Codes. 4

Choosing a Language Interface. 5

Obtaining Updates. 5

Revision History. 5


The mission of the Subscriber Information Dump utility is simple.  To allow folks to quickly dump out specific information about the subscribers in their system to a file they can view or import into another application such as a database utility or Excel or whatever.  The file generated automatically creates a header row that lists the data type found in that column of the output for ease of import into other programs.  This tool includes both full subscribers (Exchange and Domino) as well as “remote subscribers” (AMIS, VPIM, Bridge, SMTP).

A full list of the fields you can drop out are listed below.

Requirements/Special Notes

This version of Subscriber Information Dump only works with Unity 3.0(1) or later.  There is a 2.x version available on

This tool must be run on the Unity server itself.

Selecting Subscribers

By default Subscriber Information Dump will include all subscribers in the local Unity server it is running on.  This includes Internet (SMTP), Bridge, AMIS and VPIM subscribers as well as full Exchange and Domino mail users.  You can select to dump only a particular subscriber type by selecting the desired filter in the “Subscribers to Dump” drop down list.  An updated count of the number of users to be included in the resulting CSV file will be provided on the form.

Field Definitions

The following is a list of all the fields you can optionally have Subscriber Information Dump include in the CSV output. You can select one or as many items as you like.

  • Alias.  The Exchange alias of the subscriber.  NOTE: it is possible that the alias of the Exchange account is different than the alias for the NT account.  Since NT and Exchange use separate directories this is possible, although rare.  The value here is the alias from Exchange.
  • All Alternate Extensions.  All alternate extensions (up to 9) defined for each subscriber.  Columns for all 9 extensions will be created, those that are not used for each subscriber will simply be blank.
  • All Alternate MWI Strings.  All alternate MWI strings (up to 9) defined for each subscriber.  Columns for all 9 alternate MWI strings will be created, those that are not used for each subscriber will simply be blank.
  • Alternate Contact Number.  (Unity 4.2 and later only).  The alternate contact number string, if configured, for each subscriber.
  • Billing ID.  The billing Id value for this subscriber.  You’ll find this on the Accounts page for the subscriber on the SA.
  • Busy Action.  This value represents what Unity will offer the caller as options in the case the subscriber’s extension is busy.  A value of “0” means no holding will be offered (i.e. the caller is sent right to the subscriber’s greeting).  A value of “1” means Unity will always offer to hold (the caller can always over ride that and go to the greeting, however).  A value of “2” means Unity will ask the caller if they would like to hold or not.  For 5.0(1) and later this value can include the alternate, standard and off hours contact rule for subscribers.
  • Caller Input Key Actions.  This value will dump out a human readable action string for each of the 12 user input keys for all subscribers.  Columns “CALLER_INPUT_0” through “CALLER_INPUT_9”, “CALLER_INPUT_*” and “CALLER_INPUT_#” will be added to the output.  The action strings for these columns will read like “Send to greeting for call handler: operator”, or “Ignore”, or “Take Message”.  The strings will look very similar to what you see on the user input key page in the SA.
  • COS Name.  The display name of the Class Of Service this subscriber is associated with.
  • Date of subscriber creation.  The date the subscriber was added to the Unity system.
  • Days till next PW change.  How many days are left till the subscriber will be required to change their phone password.  This field is blank if the subscriber has “Password never expires” on their PW policy page or if the system wide password policy does not enforce password expirations.
  • Default Playback Volume.  This will return “Medium” (default), “Louder” or “Quieter” depending on what the playback value is set to on the subscriber’s messages page.
  • Directory Handler address scope.  For Unity 5.0(1) and later only.  This value will output the display name of the Name Lookup handler a subscriber is associated with as a limiter to their address search scope.
  • Display Name. The display name property from Exchange.
  • FAX ID.  This field maps to the “fax number” field for the user in Exchange.  Most fax servers will allow you to route inbound faxes based on this value so we expose it on the SA.
  • First Name. The first name property from Exchange for this subscriber.
  • Greeting WAV file – alternate. This will include the WAV file name of the alternate greeting for a subscriber.  The WAV file itself is copied into the same directory where you select the CSV File to be written to so be sure to pick a directory that has enough space to store all the greeting files.  The file will be named with the alias of the subscriber followed by “_GREETING_ALTERNATE.WAV”.   If there is no alternate greeting recorded for the subscriber, the column will be empty.  If there is an alternate greeting it will be copied to the output directory as noted and the file name used will be written in the column.
  • Greeting WAV file – standard. This will include the WAV file name of the standard greeting for a subscriber.  The WAV file itself is copied into the same directory where you select the CSV File to be written to so be sure to pick a directory that has enough space to store all the greeting files.  The file will be named with the alias of the subscriber followed by “_GREETING_STANDARD.WAV”.   If there is no standard greeting recorded for the subscriber, the column will be empty.  If there is a standard greeting it will be copied to the output directory as noted and the file name used will be written in the column.
  • Greetings Enabled.  This value will show you if the off hours, alternate, busy or internal greetings are enabled for each subscriber or not.  The columns “GREETING_ALTERANATE_ACTIVE”, “GREETING_BUSY_ACTIVE”, “GREETING_INTERNAL_ACTIVE”, and “GREETING_OFFHOURS_ACTIVE” will be added to the output.  A value of “0” means the greeting is not active and a value of “1” means it is.  Remember that the standard and error greetings are always active no matter what so they are not included in the output here. 
  • Home Mail Server.  The name of the server this subscriber’s message store is homed on.
  • Language.  Outputs the MS NT standard 3 letter codes for languages.  ENU is US English, JPN is Japanese etc… I include a list of 3 letter language codes below.
  • Last Name. The last name property from Exchange for this subscriber.
  • Legacy Mailbox ID.  When using the Cisco Unity Bridge feature this value represents the ID of the old mailbox this subscriber was associated with.
  • List In Directory.  Either 0 or 1.  0 means the user will not be listed in the alpha directory where outside callers can find them by spelling their name.  A 1 indicates they will be listed.
  • Location ID.  The Extension number (if assigned) of the location object this subscriber is associated with. 
  • Location Name.  The display name of the location object this subscriber is associated with.  In a multiple Unity server digital networking configuration this can be handy information.
  • Maximum Message Length.  The maximum length of messages (in seconds) that outside callers can leave this subscriber.
  • Message Encryption Settings.  Either “0” for no encryption, “1” for encrypt private messages only or “3” for encrypting all messages sent by this subscriber.  This value only has meaning for full subscribers and is only available on Unity 5.0(1) and later installs.
  • MWI Status.  Either 1 for “on” or 0 for “off”.  This is the status of the subscriber’s MWI as Unity knows it (i.e. if we think we’ve turned it on or off).
  • Notification Devices.  This will output the active status and the delivery phone number/email address for all notification devices for all subscribers.  If the device is active, the “ACTIVE column will be set to “1”, otherwise it will be “0”.  If the delivery phone number or email address is blank a blank column will be output for the DESTINATION column.  When you select this option it will show 26 columns for each subscriber (an “ACTIVE” and a “DESTINATION” column for each of the 13 notification devices).  The column names used are: HOME_PHONE_ACTIVE, HOME_PHONE_DESTINATION, WORK_PHONE_ACTIVE, WORK_PHONE_DESTINATION, SPARE_PHONE_ACTIVE, SPARE_PHONE_DESTINATION, PAGER_ACTIVE, PAGER_DESTINATION, PAGER_2_ACTIVE, PAGER_2_DESTINATION, PHONE_2_ACTIVE, PHONE_2_DESTINATION, PHONE_3_ACTIVE, PHONE_3_DESTINATION, PHONE_4_ACTIVE, PHONE_4_DESTINATION, PHONE_5_ACTIVE, PHONE_5_DESTINATION, PHONE_6_ACTIVE, PHONE_6_DESTINATION, TEXT_PAGER_1_ACTIVE, TEXT_PAGER_1_DESTINATION, TEXT_PAGER_2_ACTIVE, TEXT_PAGER_2_DESTINATION, TEXT_VMI_ACTIVE, TEXT_VMI_DESTINATION.  For Unity 4.0(4) and later the columns SMS_ACTIVE and SMS_DESTINATION are also included.
  • Primary Extension.  The primary extension number value from Unity (i.e. the value you dial to sign into your mailbox when calling in over the phone to check messages).  This value is not visible in the Exchange admin.
  • Primary Fax Delivery Number.  A user can configure their “usual fax delivery number” over the phone or the AA.  You can dump out that value here.
  • Primary MWI String.  The number configured on the MWI box on the messages page of the subscriber.  By default the SA page shows “X” which means to replace it with the extension number for this subscriber.  For this reason it’s always a good idea to include the extension as well when you want to see the MWI string.
  • Public Distribution List Membership.  This will produce a single column that contains all the public distribution lists that Unity knows about that each subscribers is a member of.  The aliases of the distribution lists will be separated by semicolons which looks something like this “allsubscribers;unaddressedmessages;marketingsouth”.
  • Remote Address.  For use with remote subscribers (AMIS, Bridge, VPIM, SMTP subscribers).  Indicates address/destination on remote system the message will be sent to.
  • Remote Node ID.  When using the Cisco Unity Bridge feature this value represents the Unity node serial number this subscriber is using.
  • Rings To Wait.  The number of rings to wait that are configured for the transfer rule on the subscriber. NOTE: If the transfer is disabled (i.e. the transfer type above is “0”) or the transfer type is release (transfer type is “1” above) then this value is meaningless and may show up as “4” which is the default.  For 5.0(1) and later this value can include the alternate, standard and off hours contact rule for subscribers.
  • Schedule Name.  The name of the schedule this subscriber is associated with.  The schedule determines when the “standard” vs. “off hours” greetings are played.
  • Set for First Time Enrollment.  Either 0 or 1.  0 means the user is no longer flagged for first time enrollment, a 1 means they are.  Typically an administrator will set everyone up for first time enrollment and when they call in and go through the enrollment this flag is set to 0.  This can be a handy way of telling who has not yet setup their mailbox so admins can go by and gently remind users they need to do this.
  • Subscriber Lockout Status.  Either 0 for “not locked out” or 1 for “locked out”.  This indicates if Unity has locked a subscribers account as a result of too many login failures over the phone.
  • Switch ID.  This value indicates which switch a user is associated with in a multiple switch installation.  Prior to Unity 4.2(1), 0 was the default analog switch, 1 was the second switch configured on the switch page.  After 4.2(1) multiple switches of different types are supported and this ID could map to any number of switches configured on the system.
  • Time of Last Call.  Indicates the date and time the user called in to check messages last.  This can be handy for finding out which boxes have not been access at all or which ones have not been accessed in a long time.  This value is in GMT and not your local time, keep that in mind.
  • Timezone GTM Offset.  This option outputs the number of minutes from GMT that the subscriber’s time zone is set to.  A value of 9999 means that the subscriber is using the local server’s timezone setting.  The value is in minutes and can be positive or negative.
  • Transfer Number.  This will be the dial string configured for the transfer rule of a subscriber. For 5.0(1) and later this value can include the alternate, standard and off hours contact rule for subscribers.
  • Transfer Type.  This will be “0” if the subscriber is set to not transfer at all, “1” if they’re configured to do a release transfer or “2” if they’re configured for a supervised transfer.  For 5.0(1) and later this value can include the alternate, standard and off hours contact rule for subscribers.
  • Trivial PW Check.  Selecting this option will check the phone password for each subscriber and enter one of 6 values into the column:

                    0=ok – the user’s password has been changed since creation and is not “trivial”

                    1=The user’s password has not changed since they were created or imported

                    2= The user’s password matches their extension

                    3=The user’s password is "12345"

                    4=The user’s password matches one of the subscriber templates currently in the system.

                    5=The user’s password is blank

  • Voice Name Recorded.  This will return a “1” if the subscriber has a voice name recorded or a “0” if they do not.
  • Voice Name WAV File (“([ALIAS]_VOICE_NAME.WAV”).  This will include the WAV file name of the voice name for a subscriber.  The voice file itself is copied into the same directory where you select the CSV File to be written to so be sure to pick a directory that has enough space to store all the voice name files.  The file will be named with the alias of the subscriber followed by “_VOICE_NAME.WAV”.   If there is no voice name recorded for the subscriber, the column will be empty.  If there is a voice name it will be copied to the output directory as noted and the file name used will be noted in the column.
  • Voice Name WAV File (“([Primary Extension].WAV”).  This will include the WAV file name of the voice name for a subscriber.  The voice file itself is copied into the same directory where you select the CSV File to be written to so be sure to pick a directory that has enough space to store all the voice name files.  The file will be named with the primary extension of the subscriber followed by “.WAV”.   If there is no voice name recorded for the subscriber, the column will be empty.  If there is a voice name it will be copied to the output directory as noted and the file name used will be noted in the column.


Output Options

By default the output file separates data with commas and will bound a value with quotes only if it contains a comma.  For instance if you’ve selected to kick out display names and one of them is “Lindborg, Jeff”, the output file might look like this:

 Alias, Display Name, Extension

Jlindborg, “Lindborg,Jeff”, 3189

You can select to separate data with tabs or line feeds instead depending on what type of output you’re looking to create.  In most cases, however, you’ll want to stick with the tried and true comma delimited.  Common applications such as Excel handle this type of output nicely.

You can opt to not bound values with quotes, even if they contain commas, but I highly recommend you not do this.  There’s a few strange cases where this might be necessary but they’re few and far between.  You may want to always bound every data item with quotes to be consistent, some applications will automatically strip these off when reading in regardless.  Again, depends on what you’re trying to use the information for.

Silent Command Line Mode

Version 3.0.40 introduced the concept of a command line driven mode so Subscriber Information Dump can be run in batch mode if desired. You do this by specifying an output file using the “/f:[full path]” command line option for the SubInfoDump.exe.  You can indicate which fields you want output if desired by including them on the command line.  If no specific fields are indicated, all fields are selected automatically.  NOTE: This includes the voice name WAV file output so only use this if this is what you want dumped out to the directory you specify.  Some examples follow:

SubInfoDump /f:c:\Nightly Output\subinfo.txt

This option selects ALL fields for output and will create a file in the “c:\Nightly Output” directory called “subinfo.txt” that holds the output.  If the directory did not exist, it will be created on the fly.  In this case all the voice names for the subscribers will also be included in the c:\Nightly Output directory since no specific fields were selected and all were chosen.

SubInfoDump Alias, Primary Extension, Display Name, All Alternate Extensions /f:c:\Nightly Output\SubInfo.txt

This option will output only the Alias, primary extension, display name and All Alternate Extensions fields for subscribers and drop it into the SubInfo.txt file in the Nightly Output directory on drive c:.  Notice that you select the field names by simply typing them on the command line exactly as they appear in the list box in the application separated by commas.  They are not case sensitive and there’s no limit to how many you can include.

SubInfoDump Alias, Primary Extension

This will fail to run since there’s no “/f:[file path]” option on the command line.  That’s required for the tool to run properly.

NOTE: Currently there is no event log messages indicating when the silent mode started and ended or if there were any problems with it etc… it simply runs silently and creates the file and exits.  There’s no UI whatsoever.  I’ll eventually come back to this and put proper event log messages in so you can tell if it ran, when it finished and if it encountered any problems.


NT Language Codes

        “ENX” = “English (TTY/TDD)

        "ENU" = "English (US)"

        "ENG" = "English (British)"

        "ENA" = "English (Australian)"

        "ENC" = "English (Canadian)"

        "ENZ" = "English (New Zealand)"

        "ENI" = "English (Ireland)"

        "DEU" = "German (Standard)"

        "DES" = "German (Swiss)"

        "DEA" = "German (Austrian)"

        "DEL" = "German (Luxembourg)"

        "DEC" = "German (Liechtenstein)"

        "ESP" = "Spanish (Traditional)"

        "ESM" = "Spanish (Mexican)"

        "ESN" = "Spanish (Modern)"

        "ESG" = "Spanish (Guatemala)"

        "ESC" = "Spanish (Costa Rica)"

        "ESA" = "Spanish (Panama)"

        "ESD" = "Spanish (Dominican)"

        "ESV" = "Spanish (Venezuela)"

        "ESO" = "Spanish (Colombia)"

        "ESR" = "Spanish (Peru)"

        "ESS" = "Spanish (Argentina)"

        "ESF" = "Spanish (Ecuador)"

        "ESL" = "Spanish (Chile)"

        "ESY" = "Spanish (Uruguay)"

        "ESZ" = "Spanish (Paraguay)"

        "ESB" = "Spanish (Bolivia)"

        "ESE" = "Spanish (El Salvador)"

        "ESH" = "Spanish (Honduras)"

        "ESI" = "Spanish (Nicaragua)"

        "ESU" = "Spanish (Puerto Rico)"

        "FRA" = "French (Standard)"

        "FRB" = "French (Belgian)"

        "FRC" = "French (Canadian)"

        "FRS" = "French (Swiss)"

        "FRL" = "French (Luxembourg)"

        "ITA" = "Italian (Standard)"

        "ITS" = "Italian (Swiss)"

        "NLD" = "Dutch (Standard)"

        "NLB" = "Dutch (Belgian)"

        "NOR" = "Norwegian (Bokmal)"

        “NON" = "Norwegian (Nynorsk)"

        "PTB" = "Portugese (Brazilian)"

        "PTG" = "Portugese (Standard)"

        "JPN" = "Japanese"

Choosing a Language Interface

This tool comes with built in support for several languages including US English, French, German and Japanese. By default it will display the language the Windows operating system is set for.  If that language is not supported it will default to US English.

To manually force the tool to show a different language than the default, you can select the Help | About menu option and click the “Change Language” hyperlink on the About box.  The languages installed will be presented in a drop down list and the display will update into that language immediately when you select it. 

NOTE: If you select Japanese as a display language and you are not running on a version of Windows that has the Japanese code page installed, the display will show all “?” characters.  This is expected.

Obtaining Updates

To check for updates to this tool, visit

Revision History

Version 4.0.38 – 1/12/2010

  • CSCte19675 - Enhance Subscriber Information Dump to handle UCI contact info

Version 4.0.37 – 9/29/2009

  • Updated version check routine for new site design.

Version 4.0.36 – 5/28/2009

  • Fixed a problem with wav file outputs for greetings and voice names using alias construction with Domino systems.  Slashes in the alias name cased the file system check on the target WAV file to throw an error.  CSCsz89529

Version 4.0.35 – 03/13/2009

  • CSCsx74328 BabelSvr.dll should be removed from SubscriberInformationDump

Version 4.0.34 – 11/11/2008

  • Fixed a problem with silent mode where the first COS was being picked as the subscriber list instead of all subscribers.

Version 4.0.33 – 5/30/2008

  • Fix defect CSCsq53436
  • Users must manually enter in location for dump to be located to prevent accidental filling of C:\ partition

Version 4.0.32 – 4/10/2008

  • Fix defect CSCso54476
  • Able to export Follow-Me Transfer Rules in 7.0

Version 4.0.31 – 4/10/2008

  • Help file launched with whatever application is registered to open a .htm file.
  • MSI installer no longer will distribute BabelSvr.dll

Version 4.0.30 – 2/18/2008

  • Added time zone offset output.
  • Fixed a problem where “all subscribers” would sometimes only get full subscribers if it’s the default at startup.

Version 4.0.29 – 12/12/2007

·         Added option to filter subscriber selection by COS membership

Version 4.0.28 – 11/9/2006

  • Added “Message Encryption Settings” value for Unity 5.0(1) and later.

Version 4.0.27 – 6/4/2006

  • Added message review jump back/forward to the output for Unity 5.0(1) and later versions.

Version 4.0.26 – 5/2/2006

  • Added support for output of name lookup handler scope info for Unity 5.0(1)
  • Fixed version checking issue with “boundary” release versions
  • Fixed problem with alternate contact number conversation being reported as an error.

Version 4.0.23 – 12/1/2005

  • Added support for Alternate Contact Number being added in Unity 4.2

Version 4.0.22 – 6/20/2005

  • Added option to output the number of days till the next phone password change is required for subscribers.

Version 4.0.21 – 3/8/2005

  • Added new “Date of subscriber creation” option.
  • Updated setup to Install Shield.

Version 4.0.20 – 1/12/2005

  • Fixed a problem with quotes in the silent command line mode

Version 4.0.19 – 1/4/2005

  • Added time of last PW change option
  • Converted times for last PW change and last login time into local time from GMT for output

Version 4.0.18 – 9/14/2004

  • Fixed a problem with MWI status output when there is no primary MWI string defined for a subscriber – CSCef69432

Version 4.0.16 – 9/8/2004

  • Added new option for “Voice name WAV file (“(Primary Extension).WAV”)

Version 4.0.15 – 7/2/2004

  • Added new option for the “Trivial PW check”

Version 4.0.13 – 5/8/2004

  • Added support for dumping out the standard and/or alternate subscriber greeting WAV files
  • Updated the behavior of the voice name WAV file dump option to simplify the WAV file name copied out.

Version 4.0.12 – 4/24/2004

  • Added Call Input Key action item to the list of output options
  • Added Greeting Active Status item to the lit of output options
  • Added support for localizing help file
  • Added support for SMS notification device added in 4.0(4)

Version 4.0.10 – 8/1/2003

  • Updated version checking logic for the 4.0(3) release

Version 4.0.9

  • Updated copyright string
  • Fixed logic problem in version check routine

Version 4.0.7

  • Added RemoteNodeID and LegacyMailboxID values as options.

Version 4.0.6

  • Closed option to have multiple instances of application running at the same time.  Prevents problems with weird file interactions when launching from the command line.
  • Added ability to check for updated version

Version 4.0.3

  • Fixed a problem with the alternate extensions kicking out some bogus columns
  • Fixed some misspellings on the column headers
  • Fixed a problem with the transfer type causing an error.

Version 4.0.1

  • Removed support for 2.x features and split version
  • Removed remaining DOH references
  • Added option for distribution list membership.
  • Added subscriber type filter option
  • Added support for ENX (TTY/TDD) language code
  • Forced application to run at low priority

Version 3.0.42

  • Updated localization files for the Unity 4.0(2) release

Version 3.0.41

  • Included all subscriber types, including internet subscribers, in the output.  CSCea06977
  • Added “Remote Address” field for output.

Version 3.0.40

  • Added quick and dirty “silent” mode so tool can be run from command line if desired.

Version 3.0.39

  • Fixed problem with total subscriber count on main form with Domino

Version 3.0.38

  • Removed support for localization into Japanese, French and German for now due to several problems with string compares this brought about.  Will add back later.

Version 3.0.37

  • Updated to include Domino subscriber support

Version 3.0.36

  • Updated localization files
  • Updated help file

Version 3.0.35

  • Added support for Notification Devices output.

Version 3.0.33

  • Added support for “Voice Name Recorded” field.

Version 3.0.32

  • Added support for Voice File WAV files. 
  • Added support for location ID.  Both these new options can be used for creating Internet Subscribers in bulk on remote systems for digital networking scenarios.

Version 3.0.31

  • Added support for Default Playback Volume level.

Version 3.0.30

  • Updated with support for localization into French, German and Japanese versions

Version 3.0.27

  • Fixed problem with progress bar not being accurate – CSCdx21477

Version 3.0.26

  • Fixed CSCdw90746 – “An incorrect value in Write Data To text box crashes tool”.

Version 3.0.25

  • Added support for Transfer Type, Transfer Number, Rings to Wait and Busy Action fields.

Version 3.0.23

  • Included support for  MWI Status
  • Included support for Subscriber Lockout status
  • Added separate error logging and removed message dialog that used to pop up when errors occurred.  Total error counts are presented at the end and the user is given the opportunity to review the error log.
  • Fixed problem where the Installer account was being included in the output list.

Version 3.0.13

  • Cleaned up help/about files, included on 3.1(2) release CDs

Version 3.0.12

  • Converted to work with versions from 2.3.4 through 3.0
  • Removed support for mailbox size since the DOH interface in 3.0 does not support this easily.
  • Included support for alternate extensions
  • Included support for alternate MWIs
  • Adjusted to allow form to be resized vertically

Version 1.0.28

  • Added support for Last Time Call property.
  • Added support for mailbox size information.
  • Included help file

Version 1.0.19.

  • Added support for MWI string.
  • Added support for Billing ID.


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